Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Another Reason Why

I love Brian Eno. Today I found out he's sending me a million dollars, and I also found out that he wrote the theme song to Windows 95.

I had a lot of fun back in '95 with Win95, sweating through typing class for instance. To think that that pretty song was created by humanity makes the memories that much sweeter. I remember rebooting you.

The idea came up at the time when I was completely bereft of ideas.I'd been working on my own music for a while and was quite lost, actually. And I really appreciated someone coming along and saying, "Here's aspecific problem--solve it.''

The thing from the agency said, "We want a piece of music that isinspiring, universal, blah- blah, da-da-da, optimistic, futuristic,sentimental, emotional,'' this whole list of adjectives, and then at thebottom it said "and it must be 3 1/4 seconds long.''

I thought this was so funny and an amazing thought to actually try to makea little piece of music. It's like making a tiny little jewel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny that eno went from these microsounds in 95 to the long now project a decade later.

or maybe it makes sense, with devoting all that time to fractions of a second.

p.s. my new favorite instrument is the ondes martenot

9:44 AM  

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