Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What Is with the Summertime Cold?

Was it yelling in a smoky bar that did it, or the six consecutive days where I had no more than six hours of sleep? Was it that it was 90 degrees one day and 67 the next? Was it the swimming? The sunning? The cavorting that did it? Whatever it was, I take it back. Can I return to health now. Please?

In other news:

(Small garden update)
The tomato plant bloomed and the tomatoes ripened and I ate three of them yesterday. They are the size of marbles,but they aren't grape tomatoes. I love that plant. We bought of these worm wranglers at the farmer's market. They like, wrangle worms. The peppers are dead. There is no hope for them. The sunflower is showing no sign of cooperation, though it is taller than me now. The gladiolis blooms without holding back.

Also, the other night I stretched and looked up at the ceiling and saw the largest spider known to man. It was the size of a baby's paw!

What do you do? Do you kill spiders? Or, do you do that thing where you trap them in a cup and escort them out-of-doors? Would you ever suck them up in the vacuum cleaner? What if you were really afraid?


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