Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Pre-Christmas Post for You and Yours

Like any card-carrying hipsterhater* (yes, there's a local near you) will tell you, ironic t-shirts are for retards. But, somehow these t-shirts really strike a chord with me, especially with their heavy reliance on puns. They seem more charming than, say, the Urban Outfitters shirts (recall: Voting's for Old People) or the Amber-crombie ones that say stuff like: "Who needs brains when you've got these" across the boob area.

Anyway, it's Christmas and I like this one. Isn't it the dumbest ever?

*Schaffer the Darklord says in his act that even a simple mention of the word hipster makes you one. His jist? That only people who are hipsters hate hipsters because motherfucking nonhipsters don't even know they exist. This bodes well for a lot of Dads and stuff out there.


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