Monday, February 07, 2005

Do you know this band

Lansing Dreiden? They have two drummers and two singers. They're moody. I predict they will be big in San Francisco. I saw their rumored first show ever in the country at El Corazon on Saturday night. Not such a big deal, but this band has been autohyped (that is, hyped by themselves) more than any other band I've heard of. They don't do interviews, they're reportedly difficult, "shy," and they are part of a self-proclaimed art collective type thing encompassing all mediums: video, music, visual arts, etc.

The show was a well-earned departure from the usual and I liked that they tried to illicit a mood from the start: the two female singers stood dead still and stared straight ahead seemingly unaware that they were on stage or even on Earth. Trouble was the singers were a bit out of tune with each other, maybe they couldn't hear themselves over the cacophony behind them ranging from My Bloody Valentine licks to weird !!!-like departures. Michael said they reminded him of the great Family Fodder without the humor--which is dead on. The music was impressive at times--slow and emotive like some parts of Stereolab, vocally reminiscent of Cocteau Twins (except its not nearly as hard to understand the lyrics), and then at times kind of mathy too. A little shoe-gaze here, hip shake there. If they could lose the self-conscious art/legalistic/corporation idea that's governing their group, it would work out better.

From their website I learned that their effort is to fuse commerce with art since they see no distinction between those two (poles for me at least). Anyway, instead of me pontificating about their approach and their connection with the hated Vice Magazine, I'll let you decide for yourselves.

(That was a joke.)


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