Friday, September 10, 2004

Oh right

My weblog. I forgot for a minute. Here's the post to end all posts regarding a heartbreaking injury I have and am currently surviving. I'm a survivor.

So a while back I got or realized I was injured. I was on this maniacal (for me) gym/working out schedule. I was running three times a week, lifting weights, running great distances. Then the pain began-- a dull sort of shooting pain from my hipbone to the center of my right ass and didn't stop. I took my aching hip to see Dr.Loosli a sports medicine doctor. He was right, I was right. I had a running injury that I got probably years ago. The doctor gave me some tough talk and mostly took delight in the fact that I was no longer in my early twenties when injuries were not injuries in the clinical sense or even in the sense that you'd need to recover from them. I had pinched the nerve in my glute and since then the muscle has been atrophied. The muscle was so weak that the pressure I put on it just maxed it out. I had trouble just walking without sharp pains. Everyone who knows me (you're probably included) knows that I am a weakling. Now I had medical evidence. Worse Dr.Loosli's prescription was among other things the constant, perpetual wearing of running shoes. Could my pride take any more abuse? I had to rock it like I was Seinfeld (big white running shoes with everything!) for about a month and I very well should still be. Funny thing is after 12 weeks of no running, no swimming and absolutely no dancing, the thing has not gotten better. Growing muscle where there has been none is tricky.

The prescribed weeks of 'laying off it' have elapsed and I am free to exercise again. But will I? I've nearly forgotten the way to the gym. Well I went on Wednesday night. Nothing much had changed there at all. There's something wonderfully anonymous about riding a stationary bicycle, listening to NPR and watching a subtitled episode of Jeopardy all while maintaining a certain heartrate. I skimmed an article in Harpers about how the modern gym resolves our need for working and socializing in factory environments. Now I've lost that issue. If anyone has it please scan it and start your own blog, post it there and send me the link.



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