Friday, June 16, 2006

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?

With a great deal of drowsiness, I will admit that I had a hard time sleeping last night. I wandered through some dream about a perilous ghost of Louis XIV who was haunting the parlor that's right off the broad mahogany banister leading up to our great room.

My reality house resembles this only very remotely--like how ants resemble dogs: legs, heads... hearts--and I remember thinking that in the dream, that is the bit about the house, not the canine-insect connection.

It's been very humid here in Seattle, and likewise an insect's playground. Not for long though. Soon the July 4th-promised dryness will overtake them. But until then, they abound unthwarted--I'm afraid of chemical pesticide. This is the most dastardly of them all (besides wolf spiders).

They call 'em silverfish, though there's hardly anything silver about them. I can see the fish part. They are malicious invaders, call them what you will, I'll stick to that. I do not like them.


Blogger c'est trivial said...

I was also going to add that I can't think of why the ghost of Louis XIV was in my subconscious.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Silverfish! I haven't seen them at all here in Seattle, and I've lived here since 1990. I did, however, see them in my books all the time when I lived in Ohio. They love the paper, those silverfish. And they definitely were silver. Maybe there's a slightly different type out here?

8:10 PM  

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