Friday, December 08, 2006

Top Beers of 2006: Annotated and not-annotated

As I posted over on American Beerman (pronounced "Ahh-muri-kin Beer-mun"), these are my top beers for the year. I mean, the ones I can remember! Ohhkay?

5. Heineken. I got really into Heineken this year.

4. Manny's: Fun to order, b/c everyone thinks you’re saying, "Yeah, I'll have the mayonnaise."

3. Stella Artois: Everywhere and anywhere

2. Guinness in London: I thought it would’ve been more exciting, but alas, it was just pretty fucking good!

1. Estrella Damm: Drinking this light lager throughout Barcelona was the best beer experience this year

That's a Barcelonan beer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and they took an hour to pour the guinness over there as well?

1:43 PM  

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