Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Life in San Francisco

A few years ago back in Massachussetts I made a solemn promise never to move at Christmas ever again. How the mind forgets.

We're on the move back to Seattle where the blogging adventures will not cease but increase. Postings to come will cover these topics only: the difference between Seattle and San Francisco, how easy it is to find an apartment in Seattle, how harder it is to find a job in Seattle than San Francisco, how it really rains a whole lot in Seattle, what buying a car is like, how it feels to finally get accepted into Pacific Northwest society.

Hope for me that I get a job. Hope for me that I like the new job I get. Hope for me that I'm not too busy to write. Could I ever be? What if I have a yard and a garden?I could be too busy to write. Then again I could write about the tomatoes, their progess, how I love them.

Last Saturday Iowa Snake, the band I've been in for about 21 months, had our last show at the Buddha Bar. It was also our unofficial release party for the box set -- an Iowa Snake retrospective from
2004-2004. I am going to miss it all. I don't miss it yet, but it's coming -- a potentially unbearable torrent of nostalgia that just might break me.





Thursday, December 02, 2004


Dubya the Movie is worth watching.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Michelle = Famous Singer

Here's a story in the East Bay Express about my friend Michelle and her current world domination plans. She was all the way in Rome tracking and soon she's gonna be big in Manchester.



A little while ago I mistakenly linked Lyndon LaRouche with the libertarian party. But! One asute reader has pointed out that LaRouche is not a libertarian. I guess I just thought he was libertarian because he's linked in my mind with other such wackiness like being a libertarian and the Reverend Moon's unification church.

A very quick poll of one other person besides me yields the same results, the belief that LaRouche is libertarian. However, I did a very very tiny amount of research and found that LaRouche is not libertarian, hence my retraction.

My research methodology: using the search engine filled with "Larouche + Libertarian" hits of certain other websites match my query, and somewhere within each of them the there's a common point made that LaRouche is commonly mistaken for a libertarian, but is actually probably a Democrat or maybe even a communist.

But why is he mistakenly thought of as libertarian?

I venture two hypotheses:

  • He's wacko and many people equate wacko or kookoo with libertarian
  • He was linked with that party in error via the media

The results are mixed. Seems two out of two people just polled have a hunch that he's a libertarian and subscribe to the first theory while two out of two people just polled think he was maybe linked incorrectly by the media with that said party that I am now tired of typing.

I found something about it, maybe that Time magazine made the error and then never retracted it. But I found that on a libertarian website, and we all know I can't trust that kind of source. If only I had a subscription to LexisNexis.

And further, why do two out of two people polled in my living room tonight believe that libertarians are so wacky?

More investigations.