Friday, December 29, 2006

2007 Predictions

Here's a list of things I predict will happen in the oh seven. Not quite resolutions, more like hunches I have about myself. For fun, I'll check back this time next year and see if my astute predictions came true! So, in 2007, chances are I'll be...

  1. Either giving up TV all together (Netflix too) OR I'm opting in for the Premium cable, the TiVo, and the HDTV set. Either way. Something's got to give.
  2. Beginning to consider celery. Right now I'm convinced it's useless--could change in 11 months' time!
  3. Getting back into popcorn. Made the mistake of eating a big bag at the last James Bond movie. Salt was not at a premium.
  4. Taking more pictures so that my posts are more interesting.
  5. Travelling to California--a few towns in particular.
  6. Trying the stirrup jean, for it keeps things where they should be and sounds so hideous.
  7. Upgrading from Chicago Manual of Style Volume 15 to Volume 16. It's time.
  8. Getting into Oprah's workshop. I was locked out last year. How'm I ever gonna live my best life now?
  9. Travelling to the Caribbean
  10. Adding no new pets.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Puppetry by Jerome

Since I don't know French I can't really understand what's happening here except for that I assume this puppeter is beloved throughout France and is receiving a lifetime acheivement award for his talent.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Top Beers of 2006: Annotated and not-annotated

As I posted over on American Beerman (pronounced "Ahh-muri-kin Beer-mun"), these are my top beers for the year. I mean, the ones I can remember! Ohhkay?

5. Heineken. I got really into Heineken this year.

4. Manny's: Fun to order, b/c everyone thinks you’re saying, "Yeah, I'll have the mayonnaise."

3. Stella Artois: Everywhere and anywhere

2. Guinness in London: I thought it would’ve been more exciting, but alas, it was just pretty fucking good!

1. Estrella Damm: Drinking this light lager throughout Barcelona was the best beer experience this year

That's a Barcelonan beer!